1103-1104, Ashoka Estate, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place110001New DelhiIN
1103-1104, Ashoka Estate, Barakhamba Road, Connaught PlaceNew Delhi, IN
+919090397777"[email protected]

- Maxilizer is a microbiology reasearch product derived from oceanic plant extract through a unique microbial metabolic process.
- Maxilizer is a rich source of metabolites, bioavailable nutrients and compounds from plants and microbial source.
- Ensures maximum nutrient availability, improves fertilizer use efficiency, reduces abiotic stress, improves photosynthetic activity,increases number of white roots for better absorption and improves soil heatlh by activating soil microorganisms.
- Ultimately Maxilizer helps in enhancing crop quality & maximum output.

Cotton, Maize, Paddy, Potato, Pulses, Sugarcane, Wheat, Plantation, Oilseeds, Horticultural

Mode of Action:

Maxilizer Liquid is an i-NET technology product. The ingredients present in the formulation help to improve photosynthetic activity of plant which makes them greener, the flow of carbohydrate and other bioactive compound also increases. Plant uptake more nutrients which results in better physiological processes, ultimately enabling a better plant health. Healthy plants can combat abiotic stress more efficiently.

Features and Benefits:

- Bioactive nutrient and compounds promotes faster growth.
- Improves photosynthetic activity and food production.
- Improves absorption and assimilation of nutrient inside the plant.
- Protects from damage due to abiotic stress.
- Healthy growth
- Quality produce.

Time of Application:

- At vegetative development stage
- Pre-flowering stage
- Fruit development stage

Method of Application:

- Seed Coating
- Seedling dipping
- Foliar Application
- Drip irrigation

Application Rate: Use Maxilizer Liquid 500 ml per hectare.

Compatibility: Maxilizer Liquid is compatible with most commonly use pesticides. It is not compatible with lime sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.

INR130In Stock



Product Information

- Maxilizer is a microbiology reasearch product derived from oceanic plant extract through a unique microbial metabolic process.
- Maxilizer is a rich source of metabolites, bioavailable nutrients and compounds from plants and microbial source.
- Ensures maximum nutrient availability, improves fertilizer use efficiency, reduces abiotic stress, improves photosynthetic activity,increases number of white roots for better absorption and improves soil heatlh by activating soil microorganisms.
- Ultimately Maxilizer helps in enhancing crop quality & maximum output.

Cotton, Maize, Paddy, Potato, Pulses, Sugarcane, Wheat, Plantation, Oilseeds, Horticultural

Mode of Action:

Maxilizer Liquid is an i-NET technology product. The ingredients present in the formulation help to improve photosynthetic activity of plant which makes them greener, the flow of carbohydrate and other bioactive compound also increases. Plant uptake more nutrients which results in better physiological processes, ultimately enabling a better plant health. Healthy plants can combat abiotic stress more efficiently.

Features and Benefits:

- Bioactive nutrient and compounds promotes faster growth.
- Improves photosynthetic activity and food production.
- Improves absorption and assimilation of nutrient inside the plant.
- Protects from damage due to abiotic stress.
- Healthy growth
- Quality produce.

Time of Application:

- At vegetative development stage
- Pre-flowering stage
- Fruit development stage

Method of Application:

- Seed Coating
- Seedling dipping
- Foliar Application
- Drip irrigation

Application Rate: Use Maxilizer Liquid 500 ml per hectare.

Compatibility: Maxilizer Liquid is compatible with most commonly use pesticides. It is not compatible with lime sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.

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