


Product Information

Technical Name ; Dinotefuran 20% SG 

  • Mode of Action

    Shaolin acts on the nervous system through contact & ingestion resulting in the cessation of feeding within a few hours and death shortly after due to paralysis. Shaolin acts as an agonist of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

  • Special Features

    • Gives a Quick Knock Down effect

    • Highly effective against resistant Brown Plant Hopper

    • Highly systemic and Translaminar in action

    • Protection is not lost if it rains 3 hours after the application

    • Protects crops from insects for a longer duration

  • Time Of Application

    First application at the time of Economic Threshold level (ETL) 10 – 15 Nymphs / Adults per paddy Hill in Brown Plant Hopper prone area.

  • Compatibility

    It is compatible with commonly used pesticides currently used in India. But It is advisable to conduct a physical compatibility test before they are used in combination with other molecules.

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